Our Blog

Learn about oral health, dental treatments and more in
our blog posts.
Separate teeth or diastema

Separate teeth or diastema

Dentists identify the diastema as those teeth that appear separated.
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Bleeding gums

Bleeding gums

Bleeding gums can be a sign that you have or are at risk for periodontal disease.
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Dental Filling

Dental Filling

You know the space between your two front teeth, the one you have had for as long as you can remember. At Dentiland we can make that space disappear - painlessly and effortlessly.
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Dental cavities

Dental cavities

Tooth decay are permanently damaged areas on the surface of the teeth that become small openings or holes.
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young children's dental hygiene

young children's dental hygiene

As you can imagine the most important dental health problem is dental caries.
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What is the correct way to brush?

What is the correct way to brush?

Proper brushing takes at least two minutes.
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It feels good to be back

It feels good to be back

personalized attention for the whole family
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What you should know about changing teeth in children

What you should know about changing teeth in children

Approximately when the baby is about 6 months old, the first tooth appears, a long process that will take around 3 years, until the denture is completed.
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Myths and truths about baby teeth

Myths and truths about baby teeth

There are many misconceptions about children's temporary teeth, such as that they are not at risk for cavities or that their appearance generates fever and diarrhea.
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