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What to know before getting braces

What to know before getting braces

If braces are in your future – either for yourself or your child – here are a few things you should know before getting braces.
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Pull your tooth or save it? Which is best?

Pull your tooth or save it? Which is best?

When your tooth is infected or diseased, it may seem like pulling it is the easy choice, especially if you’re in pain. But not so fast! Having that tooth pulled may be the easy choice, but it may not be the best choice. Most people are unaware of the benefits of saving your natural teeth. The choice to pull your tooth or save it is ultimately yours to make, but make sure you know all the facts before making that big decision.
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Deep Teeth Cleaning – Do I Really Need It?

Deep Teeth Cleaning – Do I Really Need It?

So, your dentist has recommended a deep teeth cleaning – what the heck is that and do you really need it? The answer is yes, you need a deep teeth cleaning. Let us explain.
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Which type of dental specialist do you need?

Which type of dental specialist do you need?

It may have occurred to you that when you visit the dentist he may have referred you to a dental specialist. What’s the deal with all of these different types of dentists? How do you know what it all means and who you should visit? Not to worry, we’re here to help make sense of the different types of dentists and what it means for you as a patient.
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Cracked tooth: symptoms and causes

Cracked tooth: symptoms and causes

Did you know that any part of a tooth can be damaged and lead to cracks or microfractures that if not treated on time, can cause bigger problems? All the information you need is here.
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We keep debunking myths related to oral health

We keep debunking myths related to oral health

What is most important in oral health is to be well informed so that we can take the right decisions. Don’t let these myths confuse you!
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Myths about odontology and oral health you don’t know

Myths about odontology and oral health you don’t know

In the following blogs we are going to debunk those popular myths related to oral health and odontology and together we will learn to keep taking care of ourselves in the best way. All the information that we are going to share next will surprise you! Keep reading...
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What are wisdom teeth and which are its complications?

What are wisdom teeth and which are its complications?

Third molars, also known as wisdom teeth, are one of the most common elements in oral surgery, it’s no wonder that many people require their extraction.However, wisdom teeth extraction is not always compulsory and, actually there aren’t many patients that don’t feel any discomfort during their eruption. What is your experience?
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Stains on milk teeth: Which are its causes?

Stains on milk teeth: Which are its causes?

Did you know that milk teeth received its name due to its enamel white color shade? From the moment they erupt, they show a significantly clearer shade than those of permanent teeth. However, with the passing of time this initial color can be darkened due to different causes. Keep reading...
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